
Monday, October 29, 2018

Learning to Draw

In order to help out new drawing students or people who want to explore drawing I have put up this blog posts on learning how to draw and barriers to learning to draw.

Initially when we start out we all have no clue on how to approach a certain subject or skill, drawing is similar with a additional issue that to learn to draw correctly first involves learning to see the artists way, you have to be aware and let go of the pre conceptions and morphing of images by your brain which you can only convince your brain by deliberate practice, It also requires developing certain mechanical skills as we move forward like, drawing straight lines, drawing ellipses, drawing circles, using shoulder joints to  draw long curves, straight lines.

Why our drawing sucks as an adult?
Answer is simple in order to simplify processing and reduce workload our brain maps everything to symbols and when we draw we are drawing these symbols instead of what we actually see.
Try it out, try to think of a scenery, the first thing that comes to your mind is the scenery you did as a kid. Even objects and faces, instead of drawing what we actually see we draw what our symbol system tells us.

Bypassing the symbol system
So the question comes how do we bypass the symbol system, overtime you will start to distinguish between what you see and what your symbol system tells you, but for a start
start with drawing this upside down drawing
  1. Find a spot with no disturbance, somewhere in solace
  2. do not think of what it is, just copy lines, edges, spaces, don't think in terms of hands, legs, eyes, think in terms of relations, this line is longer, this line is shorter, don't verbalize what you see.
  3. Start drawing from any part of the image
  4. Do not invert any of the image till it is done.
  5. Be fascinated by what you drew

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